Make it a goal to READ at least 4x each week :) Students should be completing approximately 1 reading log each month.
Reading Logs are always available in the classroom-- REMEMBER TO IMPROVE AT ANYTHING YOU NEED TO PRACTISE!!!!
Your child's team includes:
Mrs. Chopra (gym, drama, dance, health)
Madame Stratton (French)
Mrs. Louzon (Music)
Mrs. Chopra (Primary Resource)
Student Planners will be sent home during the first week of school at a cost of $5.00. Planners may be used each day to record important information, reminders and notes. Please form the habit of initialing your child's planner each evening and I will initial each morning. (While notes from home are appreciated and reviewed within this communication tool -- IF THERE IS A CHANGE AFFECTING YOUR CHILD'S DISMISSAL PROCEDURE please ALSO contact the school office in addition to adding a note to your child's planner.)Each evening students should also use the daily space to complete the following reflective sentence starter-Today I smiled when.......
You can expect white homework duotangs to come home with one task (related to what we are currently working on in the classroom) at the beginning of each week. Unless otherwise directed, these tasks are always due back on the last day of the week. I respect the fact that our ICRPS families are extremely busy so my intention with this style of homework expectation is for students to begin to learn about prioritizing around their busy schedules and for families to get a glimpse into what students are currently exploring in the classroom. These tasks are not intended to be time-consuming or stressful. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year with your child's homework duotang.
If you have any questions or concerns at anytime throughout the school year, don't hesitate call me at the school @ 519-352-3137 ext. 44519 and leave a message OR by emailing my classroom account @
A sincere THANK YOU for the opportunity to work with your family this year!
Please help your child to form the important habit of reading for 15-20 minutes at least 4x a week. They are asked to record information about their selections EACH TIME on home reading logs which should be stored in their homework duotangs inside theirblue communication folders. Students will always be able to bring home a selection from their individual book bin if they choose using their personalized book bags. There will be NO formal book exchange this year, however, I will be checking home reading logs regularly. Your child is encouraged to read selections of interest from a variety of sources including the public library, computer websites, apps, magazines and favourites from their own home library. We will review these procedures further at school. Thank you for your support!
Keep reading! Our goal is at least 4x a week for 15 minutes.